If you are an expert interested in joining the Awareness Event, you can contact us HERE.
The first the SATIE H2020 project Awareness Event will take place online on November 17th, 2020.
The Awareness Event will include a short presentation of the motivation behind the SATIE project. We will also demonstrate the SATIE solution in action, highlighting its benefits for airports across Europe.
Throughout the entire event, the invited experts will be engaged in discussions about the need for a better cyber-physical security of Critical Infrastructures, the approach that SATIE takes, and the way forward.
The Awareness Event will take place online and will start at 9:00 CET with the following topics scheduled until the wrap-up at 15:15 CET:
- Welcome and opening
- Keynote speeches
- Project overview
- Introduction of the SATIE Innovation Elements
- SATIE system demonstration, and
- Questions & answers and wrap-up
If you are an expert interested in joining the Awareness Event, you can contact us using THIS contact form. We are looking forward to meeting you!