The first of three SATIE demonstrations was carried out on the 11th of June, 2021 at the Athens International Airport (AIA) premises in Spata, Attica, Greece (see Figure 1). It was a hybrid – i.e. both virtual and physical – event. The main objective of the SATIE demonstration at Athens Airport was to communicate the SATIE Solution, present its functionalities and illustrate how it is capable of preventing, detecting, responding and mitigating threats in a holistic manner.

Figure 1 The Athens Airport premises
Demonstration operations in Greece were organized and coordinated by Athens International Airport (AIA) with the active involvement and technical support of all the partners. In this context several training seminars and workshops were organized with operators to try the system and services, and to be trained on the proposed SATIE solution. During the demonstration event at Athens Airport, the trained Security Operations Centre (SOC – see Figure 2) and Airport Operations Centre (AOC) operators used and validated the SATIE Solution through the deployment of two realistic cyber and physical attack scenarios:
- Scenario #1: “Cyber- physical attack targeting passengers’ security”;
- Scenario #2: “Cyber-physical attack at airport targeting Automated Border Control Gates, Access Control and Public Announcement Systems”.
SATIE Tools involved in the Athens’s demonstration scenarios included Malware Analyser, Incident Management Portal (IMP), Anomaly Detection on Passenger Records (ADPR), Unified Access Control (UAC), Impact Propagation Simulation (IPS), Crisis Alerting System (CAS), Investigation Tool (SMS-I) and Risk Assessment Platform (RIS).

Figure 2 The Security Operations Centre (SOC) activities during the Athens Airport demonstration event.
The demonstration event was attended by over 60 participants. Due to the COVID-19 measures and travel restrictions, the audience attended virtually. Hybrid-based demonstration took advantage of the online broadcasting and interactive process (see Figure 3).
Both, operational experts trained to use the novel SATIE systems, and security experts just observing the demonstration attack scenarios and the actions of SATIE system operators, evaluated the SATIE Solution very positively. In conclusion, the similarities of answers and the positive feedback in the different groups of participants are an encouraging reinforcement of the SATIE Solution benefits.

Figure 3 Screenshot from the virtual performance of the Athens Airport demonstration event during the scenario´s execution, showing the AOC activities