The second SATIE Awareness Event took place on the 23rd of September 2021, as a remote event (see Figure 1). It hosted in total 57 participants, including guests from ACI EUROPE, DG CONNECT, ENISA, Hellenic Police, as well as guests from other research and industry companies. The event kicked-off with presentations from invited keynote speakers: Wide Hogenhout (DG CONNECT) and Emmanuel Isambert (EASA), stressing the challenges within the security domain. Afterwards, the SATIE team presented an overview of the SATIE solution as-a-whole, as well as individual tools. Thereafter, those tools were presented in the context of the SATIE demonstrations. These demonstrations were all presented with introductory presentations and dedicated videos.
The event can be considered as a successes attracting many external guests, especially given that the feedback received in both Awareness Events was largely positive.

Figure 1 One of the demonstration videos being presented during 2nd Awareness Event (online)