SATIE´s Final Conference took place on Crete (Greece) on 12-13th of October 2021. The event was combined with The 3S Clustering Event, which and was organized by the community of three H2020 Security R&D projects (see Figure 1). This two-day event focused on multiple security-oriented research areas that have been identified as of high priority by the EU. Special focus was put on the results of the three H2020 Critical Infrastructures (CI) security projects – SATIE, SAFECARE and SecureGas.
The event was targeting a broad audience of delegates (see Figure 2), mainly constituted of representatives from practitioner organisations, EU and national policy makers, DGs, EU agencies, industry and research representatives, representatives from related projects, etc. The conference was composed of keynote speeches – given by Mr George Theodoridis (JRC), Dr. Konstantinos Moulinos (ENISA), Prof. Dr. Gritzalis (Athens Univ. of Economics & Business), Dr. G. Lykou (Greek Civil Aviation Authority) – and projects-oriented presentations. These latter presentations included concrete SATIE project results, results of the related projects and their associated solutions (see Figure 3). The two-day event attracted about 150/160 participants in total – about 50/60 on-site and 100 online (Figure 4). The technical part hosted over 30 presentations organised in four thematic sessions. The conference was organised in the last month of the SATIE project to ensure that a majority of project results were available and could be presented.

Figure 1 The event logo and information

Figure 2 SATIE’s coordinator, Tim Stelkens-Kobsch from DLR opening one of the conference sessions

Figure 3 Thomas Oudin from Airbus Cybersecurity presenting SATIE’s results

Figure 4 The 3S Clustering Event onsite participants